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The Radio-frequency (RF) utilizes 1MHz/s electric wave, which can permeate the epidermis to take effect on the underlying tissue. Since high heat causes immediate contraction of fiber and collagen tissues followed by new collagen production and recombination, hence the desirable effects of skin-tightening, wrinkle-removal and figure-shaping, etc.

Main features

1: Skin tightening
2: Deep and light Wrinkles Eliminating
3: Improving skin-elasticity and skin-shine
4: Pregnancy line restoring
5: Skin- metabolism improving
6: Focusing Radio-frequency, immediate effect
7: Anti-aging for whole body
8: Divide bacterium and diminish inflammation
9: Improve pore-expanding
10: Shape beautiful figure

Brand Name: RENRUE

Certified: CE

1 year warranty

Free Training included

Please send email to after purchase to schedule training.

Face Lift and Photo Therapy Machine

SKU: Default 18
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