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AQUA,Sodium, Hyaluronate Butylene ycol,Glycerine,Nocinomide,Cl 15850,Hydrolyzed Collagen,Ponthenol,Chamoecyparis Obtusa Water ,Beto-Glucon,Comellio SinensisLeof Extroct, Rosa Centifolia Flower Water,Centella Asiotica Extroct,Anthemis Nobilis Flower Extroct,Hamomells VrginianEtroctAloe BarbodensisLeaf ExtroctPalmitoy Pentopeptide-4. Acety Hexapeptde-8,Copper Tripeptide-1.Trnexamic AcidPolysorboate 20.12-HexonedilAlantoinDipotossium Gyrthizote,Adenosine,Disodum EDTA

AQUA,Sodium Hyolurnate,Butylene Gleolcerine,Niocinomide,0l45410,Titanium Dioxide,Hydrolyzed ollgen,Ponthenol,Chamoecy poris Obtusa Water,Beto-Glucon,Comellio Sinensis Leof Extroct,Rosa Centifolio Flower Water ,Centella Asiotica Extroct, Anthemis Nobils Flower Exroct,Homamelis Virginina Extroct,Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extroct,Palmitoy Pentopeptide-4,Aoety Hexopptide-8,Copper Tripeptide-1,Tronexomic Acld,Polysortbate 20.12-HoeondillitoinDipotassium Glycyrrtizote,Adensine,Disodium EDTA

AQUA,Sodum Hyaluronate,Butylene Glycol,Glycerine,Niocinomide,a 12085,Hydrolyzed Collagen,Panthendl,Chamoecyparis Obtusa Water,Beta-Glucan,Camellio SinensisLeaf Extract,Rosa Centifolia Flower Water ,Centella Asiatica Extract, Anthemis Nobilis Flower Extroct,Homamelis Vrginina ExtroctAloe BarbodensisLeof ExroctalmitoyPentapeptid-4Acetyl Hexopeptide-8,Copper Tripeptide-1,Tranexomic Acid,Polysorbote 20,1.2-Henxnedi,lantoin,npotossim Gymhizote,Adenosine,Disodium EDTA

* To keep the color and prolong the duration,

Apply repair cream twice a day (morning and night) for 3~5 days2) Apply LIP-TINT consistently

Duration of a session : Average two weeks (depends on skin type and after care)* Best recommended treatment cycle to keep the colors clear and long

- Total 3~4 sessions (1~2 weeks of interval between each session)

- The interval period should be decided regarding condition of customer's lips

1. Exfoliating before procedure can enhance procedure result.Remove the dead skin clearly before having procedure.

2. After-care is also very important to get the best result.Keep the lips moisturized after having procedure.

3. Duration and color appearance can be different from each skin types.

4. Color can disappear more quickly than expected if it's first time.In this case, watch the condition of lips for 1 -2 weeks and takeadditional procedure.

5. Do not let the pigment and serum touch with skin other than lips.It is very hard to erase because of strong color tinting strength.

To prevent this, apply cleansing gel around the lips before procedure.

6. Duration of color can be affected by personal life habits and diet.

Korean BB Lips Glow Serum

SKU: 12000017816145528-1pcs Pink (no box
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